If you want to larn more about spider web design and development, installing Internet Data Services (IIS) on your Windows 10 computer is a good method. IIS is a gratis Windows Feature included in Windows 10, so why non use information technology?

IIS is a full-featured spider web and FTP server with some powerful admin tools, strong security features, and can be used to host ASP.NET and PHP applications on the aforementioned server. Y'all can even host WordPress sites on IIS.

There are three means to install and fix a website in IIS on Windows 10; using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), PowerShell, or Windows CMD. We'll be using each method to practise a basic installation of IIS.

Install IIS Using The GUI

This is the point-and-click method to ready upwardly a website in IIS. Information technology's the ideal method if you haven't learned PowerShell or Windows commands.

  1. Start typing "turn on windows" in the Search bar. The Turn Windows features on or off utility volition evidence as a result. Click on information technology.
  1. The Windows Features window volition open. Information technology may accept a bit for the different features to load. Once it does, click on the checkbox side by side to Internet Information Services and then click the OK push.
  1. The installation will begin and can take several minutes. Once it's completed, click on the Close push button.
  1. To ensure that IIS is installed and working, type IIS in the Search bar near the Kickoff push. You lot'll see the Internet Information Services Managing director as a consequence. Click on that to open it.
  1. When IIS Manager opens, look in the left pane of the window under Connections. Aggrandize the tree carte du jour until you see Default Spider web Site. That'due south a placeholder site that is installed with IIS. Click on it to select it.
  1. On the right side of the IIS Director look under the Browse Website section. Click on Scan *:eighty (http). That will open the default spider web site in your default web browser.
  1. You'll see a web page like the following. Discover in the address bar that it says localhost. That's the address to blazon in to go to your new website.

Create Your First Spider web Page for IIS

Before we go into the other ii methods of installing IIS, let'due south see where the files that make your website are stored. Nosotros'll also make a very basic web page. Once y'all know how to do this, you'll know the basics to jump into learning spider web design and development.

  1. Afterward IIS is installed, open File Explorer. Navigate to C:\intepub\wwwroot. That's where the files that brand up the website need to be stored. Y'all'll see the default IIS web page file, iisstart.html, and the image shown on the page, iisstart.png. This is where you'll save your showtime web page.
  1. Open Notepad as ambassador. To save to the wwwroot location, you must be an administrator.
  1. Save the file to the wwwroot location. Name it index.html and change the Save every bit type: to All Files. Then click the Salve push button.
  1. Now that it's saved equally the correct filetype, permit'due south put some content in it. Enter the following HTML lawmaking for a very basic web page and salvage it:

<h1>Hello Earth!</h1>

  1. Become dorsum to the web browser that has the default IIS web page. Click on the refresh button. Y'all will at present see your first web folio.

That's information technology! You've only created and published your first website on IIS.

Install IIS Using Windows Commands

Nosotros can reduce the procedure of installing IIS to a one-line command. It tin be washed in either Windows Command Prompt or using PowerShell. We'll bear witness you lot how to do it with Windows command first, only learning PowerShell would exist of great benefit in the future.

  1. Type cmd in the search bar and the peak result should exist Command Prompt. Click on Run as administrator.
  1. Blazon in the command DISM /online /enable-feature /featureName:IIS-DefaultDocument /All and press Enter.
  1. You'll run into a progress bar appear. Once information technology reaches 100.0% and y'all see the message, "The performance completed successfully." you can close the Command Prompt. IIS is installed.
  1. Cheque to ensure you can open the IIS Manager and that the installation worked, using steps four-7 from the Install IIS Using The GUI department.

Install IIS Using PowerShell

Learning to do things like installing IIS in PowerShell is a huge benefit for two reasons. One, it'due south the easiest and fastest style to exercise most administrative tasks in Windows. Two, you can salve your PowerShell commands, known as cmdlets, as a script and run them anytime on any Windows computer or server.

  1. Type powershell in the search bar and i of the results should be PowerShell ISE. Click on Run as ambassador.
  1. Type the cmdlet Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-WebServerRole -NoRestart and run it. You'll run into a progress bar offset. Once it'south consummate, bank check to make certain IIS is installed and working.
  1. This step is optional, just you can save this equally a PowerShell script and so run information technology someday. Work with the script and add together different parameters. Eventually, yous'll take an IIS install script that sets things up exactly every bit yous desire it, every fourth dimension, with a single click.

You lot're The Web Now!

This is just the outset of what y'all can do with making your own website in IIS. Look into using IIS for FTP file transfer or media hosting as well. Likewise, look into Microsoft's Spider web Platform Installer for simplified ways to install and acquire things like WordPress, PHP, Python, and more.